April 20, 2008

Coming Soon—PROM NIGHT!

Photography, Marketing

Prom night for Brown County High School will be Friday, May 9, and have we got a deal for you!

Why settle for the "cookie-cutter" approach to prom photos when you can have custom portraits made that will set you apart from everyone else.

Our studio will be open before the prom from 3 to 6 p.m. for walk-in portraits of you, your date, your friends and even your parents. No appointment is necessary and you are guaranteed once-in-a-lifetime portraits.

As an added incentive, we're offering your sitting for $5 off our regular price of $30. Take advantage of this offer by downloading a coupon here.

Before you leave our studio, you will be given a Web link and a password that will allow you to pick and choose the poses you want to order beginning Monday morning, May 12.